
The Ax Laid to the Root, Parts I & II is unavailable, but you can change that!

Volume 1 contains two sermons on Matthew 3:10, expanding upon the metaphor and applying it to both infant baptism and church membership. Volume 2 contains the second part of Benjamin Keach’s work on Matthew 3:10. The text offers further exposition of the metaphor, a reply to a treatise on paedobaptism, and Keach’s reflections on the work of Joshua Exell.

For Hager and her Son are cast out, that are the Old Covenant, and the Fleshly Seed; this old Root and Right, now in Gospel Days is struck at. The Ax is laid to the Roots of the Trees, i.e. To your old standing on the Old Covenant Root, as you are the lineal Seed of Abraham: The time is come now, that the Old Covenant, and Covenant Seed, are to be rooted up, the old House and Constitution pulled down; God is now about to build a new Temple, and a more spiritual House, a spiritual Temple of living
Volume 1, Page 11